Saturday, April 21, 2012

Are corporations doing what the government can't?

When the Internet came to be, no one really knew how to handle it, and in a sense, they still don't. Our constitution says that the press cannot be censored in a democracy, however, where does the Internet fall when it comes to that law? That is the question that many debate, and this question is the cause for possible issues when it comes to net neutrality.

The definition of net neutrality:

People across the nation continue to fight for net neutrality, but the battle is getting harder and harder to win. This is because the FCC is not doing their job correctly, and they are not making sure big corporations don't start censoring information over the Internet. This is because the FCC has succumb to the power of the big corporations, and more and more in today's society, big corporation can get away with pretty much anything, even censorship of the press.

Some people may not see the Internet as a form of press, but that is part of what the Internet has become. Without net neutrality, independent media outlets such as Democracy Now! would have a harder time staying afloat, because getting access to their website would be difficult and loading their page would be extremely low.

In December 2010, the FCC passed a rule that said there were full net neutrality for wired networks, but did not give full protection to wireless networks. With a society that now relies mostly on wireless networks, we can see why this rule is greatly flawed. This allows room for the corporations to find loop holes, or maybe they won't even have to find loop holes under this rule.

With the progression of time comes the progression of technology, and with that progression needs to come adaptions to the rules put in place when the founder fathers created the constitution. In order to protect our first amendment rights, we must have full net neutrality on both wired and wireless networks. No company should be able to control what the consumer does or does not see. If that happens, are we even really still living in a democracy? Isn't communist China criticized for doing the exact same thing? Just because it is not government censoring the press doesn't mean that corporations can do it and that makes it okay.

What Calabrese says here is the truth. The FCC is not doing their job correctly, and in turn is creating a non-democratic society. They are letting the corporations take over, and are definitely not thinking about the consequences.

Other countries such as the Netherlands have more internet freedom and Internet protection than we do in the United States. What is wrong with this? Are we not the country where the Internet was launched? Shouldn't that mean we should be farther along than other countries and that our government should be fighting harder to protect something we made to help boost our country?

Our Internet infrastructure should be based more on countries like the Netherlands, where corporations and government do not have a say in what people see. We should not allow corporations to control the Internet just so they can promote companies and websites they own.

Without net neutrality, who knows what this country will come to.

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