Monday, March 5, 2012

George Seldes: A Legend in the world of journalism

George Seldes is one of the legends when it comes to independent journalism. He is like those such as Ida B. Wells, Victoria Woodhull, Margret Sanger, and other who used independent media outlets to expose the news that was not being covered by mainstream media outlets. Even when he was attacked by others and seen as a communist, or when government tried to bring him down, he fought until the very end.

George Seldes was not afraid to tell the truth, he was not afraid to get the facts and tell the rest of the story that the mainstream press was leaving out. He did not have advertising, and was completely independent when it came to producing his periodical weekly newspaper. George Seldes created the first periodical in the nation's history.

George Seldes reported on fascism when other mainstream media outlets wouldn't. He went to the source, he went to Europe and reported what he saw. By keeping himself completely independent he did not have to abide by the press lords that he saw as "slanting and censoring the news to suit those with economic power and political clout." He did not have anyone to answer to and therefore got away with things that the mainstream press would have never gotten away with. His loyatly, like Izzy Stone, was only to his readers, and to the truth.

Many people and critics saw George Seldes' "In Fact" as one sided and accused him of being biased and with this being hypocritical. But as others say, he was reporting on what wasn't being reported on, and that may have been only one side of the story. He was a prime example of a true investigative journalist, and wanted the people to be aware of all the facts, not just what the government wanted them to see.

George Seldes helped make people aware of the harm that tobacco causes, even when mainstream press was encouraging it because of their loyalty to their owners and their advertisers. He showed people the truth, which yes happened to be only one side, but the side of truth.

George Seldes did not give up, he did not give in to government demands and did not conform to what the press was doing at the time. He was a true independent journalist and set an example for many influential independent journalists in the future, one being Izzy Stone. His work is legendary, and through his work he made a difference. At the end of his life he was recognized for his achievements, even in the mainstream press. This goes to show just how much of an impact he made on America's journalism.

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