Sunday, March 25, 2012

If we didn't have independent media...

As I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook the other day, I came across a post from one of my friends. The post was about a FAU (Florida Atlantic University) student who lashed out in class and threatened to kill both her professor and students in the class (those that were white).

The student, Jonatha Carr, asked the professor, Associate Professor Stephen M. Kajiura a question about evoltuion. The question she posed was "how does evolution kill black people?" Carr asked the question several times, and she began to get more upset each time she asked the question. The professor, not knowing how to answer the question, did not provide an answer that satisfied Carr.

Carr then began yelling and threatening to kill the professor and then walked over to a white student, threatening to kill him as well. When a school tech came in and asked her to leave, Carr got in his face, and a physical altercation between the two broke out. She was then lead out of the room.

After Carr "snapped" many students in the lecture hall took out their phones in order to record a video of what was going on.

As I was reading through the comments on my friends page, I came across one that I found very interesting:

Although this story is not one of national importance, this person's comment applies to everything independent media stands for. Independent media allows us to see the truth, and to be aware of things happening that we may never have been able to see before.

Instant media, through video, is what helps independent media outlets do their job and get information out. Without instant media, this story may have never come to light in the news, or caused a debate as to why this girl did what she did. We may never have been aware of some of the things that happen in every day life, such as students snapping and threatening to kill those around her.

Independent media and instant media are helping to bring light to issues that we may have never noticed before, and this person's comment is what I have been thinking for a while, without instant and independent media, what would the world be like, what truth's would still be hidden? This goes to show the importance of the growth of journalism and growth of independent media.

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